January 14
Expanding Your Spiritual Territory Reading: Isaiah 54:2-3, Matthew 28:19-20
Devotional: Jabez prayed for God to "enlarge my territory." While this likely referred to literal land, for us it can represent expanding our spiritual influence and ministry. God calls us to push beyond our comfort zones and make a greater impact for His kingdom. Today, consider: Where is God calling you to "stretch your tent curtains wide"? Are there new ministry opportunities you've been hesitant to pursue? People you could reach out to? Ask God to show you where He wants to expand your territory, and for the courage to step out in faith. Remember, when we ask God to use us more, He delights to answer that prayer!
Devotional: Jabez prayed for God to "enlarge my territory." While this likely referred to literal land, for us it can represent expanding our spiritual influence and ministry. God calls us to push beyond our comfort zones and make a greater impact for His kingdom. Today, consider: Where is God calling you to "stretch your tent curtains wide"? Are there new ministry opportunities you've been hesitant to pursue? People you could reach out to? Ask God to show you where He wants to expand your territory, and for the courage to step out in faith. Remember, when we ask God to use us more, He delights to answer that prayer!
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