January 15
Relying on God's Presence Reading: Exodus 33:14-16, Psalm 16:8-11
Devotional: Jabez prayed, "Let your hand be with me." He recognized that any expansion of territory or influence would be meaningless without God's empowering presence. As we serve God, it's crucial to rely not on our own strength, but on His power working through us. Today, meditate on God's promise to Moses: "My Presence will go with you." How aware are you of God's presence in your daily life? In what areas do you need to more intentionally rely on His strength rather than your own? Ask God to increase your awareness of His presence and to teach you to depend more fully on Him in all you do.
Devotional: Jabez prayed, "Let your hand be with me." He recognized that any expansion of territory or influence would be meaningless without God's empowering presence. As we serve God, it's crucial to rely not on our own strength, but on His power working through us. Today, meditate on God's promise to Moses: "My Presence will go with you." How aware are you of God's presence in your daily life? In what areas do you need to more intentionally rely on His strength rather than your own? Ask God to increase your awareness of His presence and to teach you to depend more fully on Him in all you do.
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